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옥 교수의 글 /학술지 논문

recent journal articles

2022    "Major Conflicts during the Transformation of a Rural Town Sŏnch’ŏn into a 'Kingdom of Christianity' in Korea, 1896-1930," Journal of Korean Religions (Seoul: Sepgang Univ.: April 2022): 77-120.

2022    아펜젤러의 來韓 過程과 韓國에서의 4, 1884~1888 [Henry G. Appenzeller, Becoming a Pioneer Missionary and the First Four Years in Korea, 1884-1888],” Appenzeller Theological Journal 1 (Claremont, CA: Henry Appenzeller University: March 2022): 3-40.

2021     大學問題: 朝鮮基督敎大學의設立過程과正體性” [The College Question: The Establishment of Chosen Christian College and its Identity, 1913-1917], 동방학지 196 (Seoul: Institute of Korean Studies, Yonsei University, 2021. 9): 353-386.

2020    傳染病과 초기 한국 개신교, 1885-1919 [Epidemics, Governments, and Protestantism in Korea, 1885-1919],” 종교문화학보 7-2 (Kwangju: Chŏnnam National University, Dec.  2020): 1-36.

2018     “Discourses of the Declines of the Protestant Churches in Colonial Korea, 1910-1934,” Theological Forum 94 (Seoul: Yonsei Univ., Dec. 2018): 171-209.

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